
Monday, December 20, 2010

Nov 2010- "Santa Baby" **unfinished**

Kaden did okay in these, he doesn't cooperate for pictures often... but he is getting better!

Tutu Shoot- Navana is in yellow/pink tutu and wouldn't keep still!

White/purple toque, yellow/pink tutu, all the babies are within 1week of eachother :)

Navana in Tutus I made her

Tutus I made Navana- the green tutu pic has great lighting, you can really see the red in her hair

October 2010

Kaden was Mickey Mouse, Navana was Minnie mouse, the other Navana costumes were just for fun. Click on them and they get bigger.

September 2010 Pt 2

Sept 2010 Concrete into Navana's Room

